'Tis the season for holiday headaches, Sparrow expert says

Published: Dec. 15, 2010

LANSING, Mich. - An unwanted gift of the holiday season is headaches, says Sparrow headache expert Dr. Amit Masih.

Masih says he sees more patients during the holidays with tension headaches caused by the stresses of the season - such as shopping, meal planning, irregular diet, and travel. It's important to get medical attention for such headaches before they evolve into full-blown migraines, he says.

"This time of year people are worried about everything," Masih says. "Not only are they worried about family members coming to the house and meals to prepare but also the holiday shopping.

"All of that adds up."

Headaches affect millions of Americans but often sufferers will try to carry on with their activities, especially when they're trying to complete their holiday tasks.

There are ways to alleviate the pain, though, Masih says. Tips include relaxation techniques, exercising, and maintaining a regular sleep and meal schedule.

More frequent headaches may require medication from an expert such as Masih.

Masih is a headache specialist at the Sparrow Pain Management Center. He completed a pain and headache fellowship at the University of Michigan following his neurology residency at Sparrow. He has substantial expertise in new headache and migraine treatments.