Caregiver’s approach to treat whole Patient honored

Published: Aug. 24, 2015

Amy Waddell brings a sense of calm to concerned Patients in the often stressed environment of the Sparrow Emergency Department.

Waddell, a Discharge Planning Specialist, works with high-risk Patients and their family members from the very beginning of their stay to ensure they are prepared and have the services they need to be successful when they go home.

The goal is to understand and assess Patient and family functioning, and to identify potential problems or gaps in a Patient’s care. Starting this process early in a hospital stay allows Sparrow time to set up appropriate resources.

“Physicians and Nurses care for the Patient’s medical concerns. I’m here to find out their fears, answer questions and address the practical aspects of their care. By asking the non-clinical questions, and getting input directly from the Patients and their families, we’re able to get them the support, tools, equipment and information they need to remove barriers to success after discharge.”

Amy has been a medical social worker for 15 years and with Sparrow’s Patient Support Services since 2011. She was nominated for Sparrow’s Caregiver Spotlight, honoring those who stand out as going the extra mile, for being known as “approachable” and “delightful” and is always eager to step up and help colleagues in what can be a very hectic and trying area.

But if you ask Amy, “Nothing happens alone. I am privileged to work with a very committed team of caring professionals, Physicians, Nurses, and support staff. Our efforts combined allow us to give Patients the very best care.”