The Biggest 'Winner' visits the Sparrow Michigan Athletic Club

Published: May 18, 2011

The first woman ever to win the weight-loss reality TV show The Biggest Loser recently made a special appearance at the Sparrow Michigan Athletic Club (MAC) in East Lansing, Michigan. Ali Vincent, who dropped from 234 pounds to a sleek 122 pounds on the show, was once a nationally ranked synchronized swimmer who gained weight after leaving the sport.

"I got fat five pounds at a time," said Vincent. On The Biggest Loser, she followed a healthy diet and exercised for up to eight hours a day with trainer Jillian Michaels. She was able to shed almost half her body weight.

Vincent led a group-cycling class at the MAC facility and shared her inspirational story with members at a meet-and-greet reception. "I'm going to continue to go for what I want," she said. "My physical being is a direct representation of how I feel inside, which is strong, confident, and beautiful."